Friday, May 6, 2011

My Goal... ?

This will actually be more of a confession post.  I made a goal a couple of weeks ago about eating healthy and exercising.  And lets just say I have had some really good workouts.  Workouts that have made me sore and not the post-op kind of sore.  The good worked my muscles kind of sore. 
I have been joining a few other ladies at the church to workout.  One day we just walked (which I limped for 2 days after), another day we did a great Richard Simmons video (hilarious), and other days we have done different videos or exercises, focusing on different muscle groups.  And I am proud to say, I did push-ups, a lot of push-ups.  They were of the girl variety, but none the less, they were push-ups.
Now as for the eating healthy and "treating" myself to a "little" something. This has not gone as planned.  The first few days were awesome!  Then I treated myself for the next 2 days- sad.  I have been going back and forth for a week and a half.  Then I read a friend's post on Facebook.  "down 19, 11 more to go"  Seriously?  I can do this.  Really I can.  My last 3 babies, I gained almost 50lbs each, and lost it all, each time.  I can make this last push and lose the last 10. 
This will be the goal- Lose 10 lbs.  I can't workout like I used to, but I can eat healthy (I think this is the bigger part anyway).  I am going to eat healthy until I hit that magical number.  I don't know why we focus on a number, but I know that number makes my clothes fit better and I feel better.   It may take me a month, it may take 2, but it will happen.  Then I can focus on maintaining, and the fitness- by then I should be completely healed (fingers crossed).  I will keep you posted, but I am going to "report" to the friend who has been doing such an awesome job.  She is a great example and if I have to report in person- it will make me keep my goal.

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