Friday, December 18, 2015

Be Awesome

I have started to collect quite a number of medals from races.  Some of these are from the kids dance recitals or soccer leagues, but the majority are from my races.  When we started planning to move, I really kept thinking about how I would store them.  I hated just having them in a shoe box.  So after a little while on pinterest, this is what I came up with.  Sadly they just got put into a box until we were more settled into the new house.

Hooray!  I love how they look together on the wall.

Pretty soon I'm going to have to make another one.  The more races I do, there won't be anymore room.  Also, I don't share very well.

Our Irish Twins

Grandma was so excited when she saw these outfits, she had to buy them for the baby boys.  I love taking pictures of the two of them together, but I think they had other ideas.  It begins.  I'm pretty sure that these boys are going to be best of friends one day, then the next want to beat the other one up. 
Bridger and Brian shortly after baths.
Brian wiggling around and hits Bridger.

Bridger tries to hit Brian back, but mama won't let him.

Sad Mr. Bridger can't hit back. Hmmm?  Brian looks a little mischievous.  

First Day at the New Schools

How on earth did our baby girl grow up so fast?  We're in trouble.
August 24, 2015
Kids started school and we're getting back into a normal routine.
Hailee (7th) goes to North Davis Jr. high and Blake (4th), Ryann (2nd), and Phoenix (1st) all go to Antelope Elementary.

Blake was a little shy his first couple of weeks, but has made plenty of friends.  Some of them come over almost everyday.

Phoenix- First day of all day school.  She was pooped afterwards and ended up taking a nap after school.
Confident Miss Ryann has no worries about making new friends and had a great first day.