Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Great Weekend

I am so glad for friends inviting us on a great weekend in Koosharem.  We had plenty to do and also plenty of time for relaxing.  Usually our weekends are busier than our weekdays, so it was really quite nice to have some time to just sit.

Phoenix really took to heart the sitting, relaxing and especially the eating part of the weekend.

Hailee was on a leash for her first time driving a 4-wheeler.  Later she mastered the thing and was able to drive all around by herself.

Don't run over the camera man and don't put your feet down.

I think she's got it!

Ryann and Blake pretended to ride a lot of the time.  

 We all decided to go for a drive up by Capital Reef National Park.
 Kirt, Lissa & Kids; Mike & a couple of kids; Damon, Jen & kids; RJ, Lori & Kids; Ryan, Nicole & kids.  (Rob & Lacey, Shanna & a couple of kids, cousins & grandparents all stayed at the cabin)

 We all went searching for some petrified wood and did we find some.  Way more than we could ever carry.

On our hike we found an old mine.  No- we didn't go in. 
Might have caved in on us, and we wouldn't want that to happen, would we.

Capital Reef. ( I think my panorama's are getting better)

And of course a picnic at a park for the kids to play.
(check out the sweet view behind the town, I really like Utah's varied scenery)

Back to camp we go.  Hailee rides all by herself and Damon takes Blake and Ryann for rides.
(I probably should have cropped these pics before posting- Oh well)

After shooting, playing some games, and plenty of relaxing our weekend seemed like it had been 4 days, but really we still had a day and a half to go.  Lacey says Koosharem has 48hours in each day, she may be right.

So we headed to Manti to visit with family and to gather veggie oil and our trailer that has been sitting for the last 2 years.  Plus we were able to shower and sleep in real beds. 
To be honest with you, I think that Manti has 48 hours in each day too.  Sure it was nice to watch a late night movie, and sleep in, but when we finally got up in the morning, there was no power.  Seriously?  This is like camping but we are in a house.  We had to keep our food in the coolers, make meals with no stove and keep sweaters on to stay warm.  Yes, it was cold the end of May.  Another reason for coming to Manti.  I hate camping in the rain, especially when it is muddy.

After visiting with the grandparents we headed home.  Even with all the traffic, we were able to get home, unpacked, and have dinner at our own table by 7:00.  From now on, I am coming home early.  I hate getting home at midnight and still having to unpack everything.

So for an overall weekend, we had a great time.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Rollercoaster Day

It seems like some days never go as planned. 
First thing in the morning, Hailee tells me she "threw up last night and doesn't feel well", Phoenix is cranky from the moment she wakes up, Ryann wet her pants already and it's not even 8am. 
Every time I would finish one chore and go on to the next, the kids were messing up what I just cleaned.  Then I would make them go and "play" and of course someone would come back crying.  Hailee still doesn't feel well, and then I find Phoenix like this:

At least she took to heart what Damon said the other day. 
She just drew all over herself, in permanent marker.

I called my mom to watch the kids for the evening.  We dropped them off and went out on a much needed break.  I was still in a grumpy mood, but we went to the Jordan River Temple anyway.  I am so glad we did.  I really needed to be reminded that life is good.  We are truly blessed.  Sometimes life gets so busy that we forget what is truly important.  I am so grateful for the gospel and the opportunity to serve in the temple.
After a wonderful talk with my sweetheart, we decided to go out to dinner.  What a wonderful, very uncommon event.  Eating a quiet dinner just the two of us.  "I likes it!"

I took this picture of the Salt Lake Temple last fall

Then back to reality...
Some people are so stupid!
We go and pick up the kids, just to find out that my brother and his girlfriend had a "big fight".
We get in the truck and Blake says, "We saw Uncle Kevin beat up Mandy".
"What?" I thought this was a typical yelling and swearing type of fight.
"She elbowed him in the head, and he punched her in the back of the neck."
"I was so scared, I didn't know what to do."
Seriously, this is unacceptable.  So I called the police.  Yep, back to jail for Uncle Kevin.
"When did Uncle Kevin become a bad person?"
Then for 20 minutes, Damon explains that all people start out good, but by their actions they can turn bad.  Then sometimes their choices take control and it makes their decisions that much harder.

I love my children and don't ever want them to have to experience such things, but this is the world we live in.  I guess we just turn this into a learning experience.  Don't steal or you go to jail, don't hit people or you go to jail, don't do drugs or you go to jail.  The biggest thing we tried to remind them is that no matter what a person does, they can always make it right.  They can always become a better person.  That is why our Savior Jesus Christ came to this earth and atoned for our sins.  We can repent and be forgiven.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Shooting Fun

Damon goes shooting pretty regularly to test fire a new gun or one that he has made some adjustments on, but I don't get to go very often.  This time a few friends wanted to try out some new guns and asked if we could come with a couple of others for them to shoot.  Best part, they would bring the ammo. Why yes we can.  We all loaded up into the truck and off we went. 

Ryann's first time shooting a real gun.

Ryann, Blake, Hailee, Damon, (Shawn, Fabio- behind), Anthony

Shawn helping Becca shoot a SKS.

 You gotta try this.

I'm showing Becca how to shoot an AK. 

Jen and Anthony shooting a really long PSL. 

 Becca's first time shooting an AK.

Jen holding Shawn's gun, might as well pose for a picture.

The Firing Squad: Anthony, Shawn, Damon, Jen, Fabio (off screen).
Fabio only got one shot off because he got hit in the head by a hot casing.

Watch out for that kill shot.

Try shooting two 45's at the same time. 
Careful you don't hold them too close or the ejected casings will cause problems.

We had a great time.  Definitely think this was a good way to spend our Saturday morning.
Thanks again guys for bringing the ammo.  Hope you had a good time. 
Damon also had a bit of fun playing in all the mud left over from the rain.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


I love the neighbors we have, I really love that they give our kids hand-me down toys, but I especially love when my kids play nice together with the new toys.  We were given this cute fold up doll house and within minutes the kids had gathered up their Polly Pockets and GI Joe's.  They were all playing so nice together, I don't know what I did to deserve this. 

Hailee, Phoenix, Blake (hiding), Ryann

I love that Phoenix is the only one that realized I was taking pictures.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Moab- 4x4 Wheeling

One of Damon's favorite things about going to Moab is all the cool places to drive.  Especially if it's a challenge.  In previous years we have mostly driven on the same few trails; Fins and Things, Hell's Revenge and all around Sand Flats Rd.  This year we decided to do some different trails.
We drove all 3 trucks on the Chicken Corners trail and over Hurrah Pass.  This was real difficult because we were taking our transport vehicles that we needed to drive home, but it had some really great sites.
I really liked this trail because I got to drive Jared's wheeling truck.  I guess I have more experience than the other ladies.  It pays to drive a big truck on a daily basis.

Taking pictures on the opposite sides of a cliff.

Maybe someday I'll learn to take better panorama's.
Oh well, it's still a beautiful view from Hurrah Pass. 

The next day Damon, Jared, and Maria took the wheeling truck on the Poison Spider Trail (much more difficult).  Damon took a bunch of pictures and videos, but they really don't give the views or terrain much justice.
I don't think Damon should play camera man and spotter at the same time.

 This place just keeps going and going...

Arch at top of Poison Spider Mesa.

Views from the top of the arch.

Because I didn't get to go on this ride, Damon took a picture of some flowers for me.
I think he likes me.

The Wedgie, much more steep than it looks. 
Damon put the camera on the ground and Jared drove over the top of it.

Views from below, looking up at Poison Spider Mesa and the arch Damon was standing on.

Moab- Camping

One of my favorite things to do while camping is to tell stories around the campfire.  Especially when there are plenty of people to tell silly stories.
Damon, Jen E, Rose, Denise, Veronica
Holly, Jen P, Damon, Jen E, Rose, Denise, Veronica

Making breakfast- my second favorite part of camping.

At our camp site we had 5 tents with 16 campers.  Lots of fun.